Modern Slavery Policy
Vehicle & Asset Solutions Limited (VAS) is committed to operating its business ethically and with integrity throughout the organisation. Likewise, it is committed to preventing acts of modern slavery and human trafficking from occurring within both its business and its supply chain within the UK and overseas.
Our structure, business and supply chains
We are a European business at the forefront of designing and delivering sustainable solutions for the complex vehicle and asset-based industries.
In order to perform its customer contracts, we procure goods and services from our suppliers. Most purchasers are sourced from a core group of, long-term suppliers. We take steps to ensure that all suppliers agree to comply with our policies which aim to eliminate modern slavery and human trafficking from the supply chain.
Our policies on slavery, human trafficking and supplier due diligence processes
As part of our commitment to operating ethically and in a manner which complies with relevant laws, we have in place a number of policies within VAS, including in relation to the following: Anti Bribery, Casual Workers, Equal Opportunities, Ethical Trading, Recruitment, Right to Work, Vetting, Whistle blowing and Working Time Regulations.
Our Supplier Code of Conduct within VAS requires suppliers not to use any form of forced, bonded or involuntary labour, and to ensure that workers are not treated in a harsh or inhumane way. We also take steps to ensure that our suppliers are aware of our policies and we expect them to adhere to the same high standards. We also have similar polices and processes in place in other jurisdiction we operate within to ensure all our business operate in an ethical manner and comply with applicable law.
Taking account of human rights
In addition to the above, VAS are committed to ensuring that our employees’ human rights are upheld in respect of their private/family life; freedom of thought, conscience and religion; freedom of expression; freedom of assembly and association and work in an environment where there is no discrimination.
To this end, our management team provide leadership in equality, diversity and human rights issues. We offer support to colleagues facing challenges and ensure services and policies are subject to a process of continuous review and improvement.
Areas of potential slavery and human trafficking risk
VAS are aware that heightened modern slavery and human trafficking risk exists in relation to certain territories, and in relation to the production of certain goods and supplies. The standards outlined by VAS are being implemented across all of its purchasing activity. In order to provide services to its customers, VAS occasionally engages with providers of temporary colleagues on an agency basis. VAS is currently enhancing its policies and procedures to ensure that it only works with agencies who operate to the ethical standards that VAS expects.
Colleague training
We recognise the importance of actively engaging with our colleagues on many important matters including our policies that relate to modern slavery and human trafficking. Our training includes communications allowing for increased awareness, identification and reporting of any potential breaches of our policies.
This statement is made in accordance with Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Human Rights Act (1998) for financial year ending 2022